Tuesday, September 30, 2014


If you are interested in signing up for a conference for P.E. here is my link.www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F0C4DAFAD29A6F49-quarter

Thank you, and have a great day!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


If you read this blog you might be aware that I will not always follow the month to month sport as I posted during curriculum night.  Although I will get through all the sports I posted, sometimes things come up like half days and holidays.  Either way my students will have a full variety of skills and techniques that I teach them in everything that we do in P.E.

This week we are playing dodgeball!
These are some of the things we work on in dodgeball:

  • Throwing over hand.
  • Throwing under hand.
  • Catching.
  • Dodging.
  • Knowing where other players are.
  • Spatial awareness.
  • Playing defense.
  • Playing offense.
  • Aiming at a target below shoulder.
  • Teamwork and Sportsmanship.
  • Integrity and perseverance.
  • Problem solving. 
  • Having Fun and Exercising
Dodgeball is high energy and my student's have a great time playing.  This is an amazing work out for them!!

Go Chargers!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hockey Tournament

We have started our hockey tournament!!!  The children are excited and working really hard on their hockey skills.   It's exciting to see how far they have come along!  Ask them about integrity and what that means in P.E.

Thanks for checking out my blog and have a great week!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hockey Shooting

Today we will work on proper technique in shooting a ball into the hockey net.  We are learning and building our fundamental skills in hockey so we can use these techniques in a game like situation at the end of our unit.  I have also included some active games to keep the excitement going!  Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today we have begun our new unit in Hockey.  We will learn how to hold a hockey stick properly and safely.  Passing will be our first skill that we work on and aiming at a target.  Next we will work on stick handling (dribbling or pushing a puck/ball) and then shooting on net.  Looking forward to teaching this unit!

Please make sure your children have the proper foot gear.  They must wear athletic shoes in my P.E. class.  Notes will be sent home next week if they do not have on the proper foot attire.

Coach Rubino