Thursday, January 22, 2015

T Ball/Baseball

My students and I are having so much fun learning how to bat off the t this week!  We worked on how to grip the bat, which hand goes on top and a good stance before hitting the ball.  I am so impressed with how many baseball players we have!!!!

We are also learning about the bones in our body!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Get Fingerprinted!

If you have not been fingerprinted, here is your chance!  Our Great Hearts Human Resource Department has been gracious enough to schedule a separate event for all of our Archway Arete and Prep families to have an opportunity to be fingerprinted. The event is scheduled for Thursday, January 22nd, 8:15-10:15 a.m. in the library and is open to all family members of students who are currently enrolled at Arete. We are asking for a $20 donation toward the school to offset the cost. We encourage your family and extended family to have this done if they are interested in volunteering for events at the school or being a part of your child's classroom. Please feel free to contact Office Manager Rachele Holcomb at (480) 222-4233, or via e-mail at with any questions.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

T Ball and Welcome back!

Welcome back Chargers, it was so great to  see all of your faces today back in school!!!

I really enjoyed teaching underhand and overhand throwing today in baseball.  We also worked on catching the ball.  We played a fun game called king and queen of the hill which incorporated a lot of throwing and catching.  We also had a great warmup and went over our muscles, and a few bones at this point!

What a great day it was!!!

We will learn to run the bases next and more about the game every day!!