Archway Classical
- Arete Co-ed Winter Flag Football
*Registration is due online by January 12th—Class fills quickly, so register ASAP*

Where: Football
Dates: 1/14,
1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25
Tournament Date: Saturday, February
27th (Dream City Church- Phoenix)
Tournament Time: 8am-3 pm. (Time subject
to change depending on the number of sign-ups.)
Registration: There is
only one opportunity to register for the tournament. So, please mark
as to whether your child will be attending the tournament where prompted.
By checking ‘yes’ you are making a commitment
to attend. This is crucial to creating the rosters and scheduling.
Who: K—5th
grade (ONLY 1st—5th grade compete at
the tournament on 2/27)
Cost: $95
$10 tournament fee if you plan on attending (No refunds)
If you desire to get a t-shirt for tournament,
do so through the PTO for $10.
Character Trait: Trustworthy
Clothes: School
uniform and tennis shoes (Bring a water bottle)
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