Friday, December 4, 2015

Flag Football Starting in January!

Archway Classical - Arete Co-ed Winter Flag Football
                *Registration is due online by January 12th—Class fills quickly, so register ASAP*        
Image result for football clip artWhen:                                                  Thursday: 3:15—4:15pm –coaches will watch early dismissal students at 2:50 pm
Where:                                                 Football Field
Practice Dates:                                  1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25
Tournament Date:                           Saturday, February 27th (Dream City Church- Phoenix)
Tournament Time:                          8am-3 pm. (Time subject to change depending on the number of sign-ups.)
Tournament Registration:            There is only one opportunity to register for the tournament. So, please mark as to whether your child will be attending the tournament where prompted.
By checking ‘yes’ you are making a commitment to attend. This is crucial to creating the rosters and scheduling.
Who:                                                     K—5th grade     (ONLY 1st—5th grade compete at the tournament on 2/27)
Cost:                                                      $95
                                                                + $10 tournament fee if you plan on attending (No refunds)
                                                                + If you desire to get a t-shirt for tournament, do so through the PTO for $10.
Character Trait:                                 Trustworthy
Practice Clothes:                              School uniform and tennis shoes (Bring a water bottle)

Link to register: 12/ Opens at 8:00 am— first come first serve.
For families with more than one child, please fill out a separate registration form for each child. 
If you have any questions please contact Megan Rubino:
For safety purposes please report any absence to Coach Jonathan: or 661-860-0067


Our students have done a 4 week unit on soccer.  The students have learned all the fundamental skills involved in this sport.  They have learned how to kick the ball properly with their instep.  They have learned how to trap a ball with all different body parts.  They have learned positions in soccer and have already played a soccer tournament.  The children loved when I brought the cage ball out for crab soccer.  That was one our favorite and most joyful lessons this year!  I will incorporate it more!

Our next sport will be handball!  We will start next week!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We have begun our Volleyball Unit and our students have made a lot of progress with their bumping, setting and spiking.  Next week we will learn how to spike the ball and at the end of our unit we will play a real game after we have learned all the rules of the game!  They are also learning how scoring works.

Every day we work on our Anatomy and virtues.  Their sportsmanship has really become something spectacular to watch every single day.  We have AMAZING students!!!

Always remember to have your child dress appropriately for my class.  It is so important that they wear appropriate athletic for their own safety and because their little bodies need the support on their growing bones.  Please have them wear athletic shoes the days of P.E.

Thank you,

Coach Rubino

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Volleyball Unit

We are so excited to have started our volleyball unit!  We have begun with Bumping the ball properly and now spiking.  We just order new nets so we can play a real volleyball game at the end of the unit!
Go Chargers!!

After School Soccer Starts Soon

The New Link for soccer will open up on 9/23/15 at 8:00 AM.  This is a first come first serve basis, if you are interested in soccer I suggest signing up as soon as you can because it fills up fast.  Capacity is 60 participants.

Thank you for your interest in our extracurricular clubs, see you out on the field!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Curriculum Map 2015-2016

Jogging, skipping, jumping, sprinting, throwing and catching, striking.

Build a foundation and demonstrate proper loco-motor skills for use in future PE classes.
Obstacle runs
Tunnel tag Throwing/catching application games
Benefits of exercise.
Sportsmanship and core virtues.  Muscles and bones. 
Understanding the proper motor skills for passing, shooting , stick handling, no high sticking.  Learning the rules of the game. 
Line Drills, partner drills and games/tournaments.
Safety and muscles and bones.  Core virtues. 
Understand proper motor skills for kicking, dribbling and passing with purpose.  Shooting to a target.
Understanding the rules of soccer.  Throw ins.  Positions on the field. 
Playing a real soccer game and doing a round robin tournament. 
Teamwork and core virtues
Applying skills and rules of the game to learn to play correctly.
Learn triple threat and how to choose.
Basketball games with two teams
Shooting and scoring baskets
Importance of drinking water daily and during physical activity.
Ultimate Frisbee
Learning safety and rules of the game. Understand how to aim, throw, catch and dodge.
Team dodgeball
Protect the President
Sportsmanship and Loyalty. 
Learning the rules of kickball, so we can move into baseball.  Learning pitching, running bases, tagging up.  
Kickball games. 
Teamwork and core virtues
Athletic Field Day
Prepare students for Olympic related events for Athletic Field Day activities.
Torch run/relay
Zeus Hoops
Olympic rings
Shot put
Healthy competitive environment
Baseball, and Football
Learning how to throw and catch a baseball and football. Understand basic rules of the game.
Relays and line drills
Simplified baseball Simplified football games (drills)

Jump Rope
Learn how to jump rope properly.  Learn different ways to jump rope with others using teamwork.  
Jump rope relay.  
Double skip
Different jump rope techniques to get our heart rate up and explain how the heart works.  
Benefits of exercise

Monday, August 17, 2015

Expanding our playground!!

Dear Archway Families,

Click here to read the exciting opportunity that has brought us one step closer to expanding our playground and building an outdoor classroom! We hope you will accept this challenge. Thank you for your contributions toward making our campus a beautiful place for learning and playing.


The Archway Arete Team

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Welcome Back!!!

Dear Chargers,

I cannot begin to express the joy I have at inviting our children back to Arete!!!  I hope you all had a fun filled summer and are excited to get back to school.

My name is Coach Rubino and I am a returning Archway Arete PE teacher for 2nd - 5th grade.  I am going on to my 6th year with Great Hearts Academies.  I also coach Girls Varsity Soccer for Arete Prep.  I studied Health Promotion and received a Bachelor of Science in Education at Auburn University where I played soccer all four years.

I have so many things to teach your youth about movement and physical activity.  I look forward to a fun filled year in Physical Education and teaching your children so many wonderful things!


Coach Rubino

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Finishing our basketball unit

We are just finishing up our basketball unit and I know my students have taken so much from it.
They worked on different types of passing, shooting and being a team player.  We are finishing up our basketball tournament now and the children look great!  They are dribbling without double dribbling, dribbling without walking or traveling and passing the ball correctly.  I am so proud of my students.

On Wednesday we had a special day and had the 1st graders come in to class while my 4th graders mentored them.  Each student had to shake each others hands properly and firmly while looking each other in the eyes and welcoming the 1st graders into our class. Then they encouraged the 1st graders to play well, it was a great day!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Flag Football

We are having so much fun learning the positions in football and what each position does on the field:

Wide Receiver/Tight End
Running back

We are focusing on running plays and scoring touchdowns!
We are learning what to do after 3rd down, how many points a TD plus the extra point.
We have learned how many points a field goal is.
I introduced the flags to them today and we played sharks and minnows.

We are having a blast and everyone seems to be involved and enjoying themselves while learning this game!  The girls are having so much fun and makes me happy to see this even if they think its a boy sport.  And the boys are having a blast!

Coach Rubino

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Basketball and Yoga start this week!!!

Don't forget to sign your child up:

Wednesdays 1:45-2:45
Location: Gym
Start date: 3/25/15
End date: 5/15/15
Cost $90
Maximum Participants 40
Contact: Coach Rubino (

Thursdays: 3-4:00 pm
Start date: 3/26/15
End date: 5/7/15
Tournament Saturday May 9th, Arete Gym
Cost $95
Maximum Participants 60
Contact: Coach Rubino (

Friday, March 13, 2015

Thank you for all your help at field day!!!!

Thank you to all of my amazing parent volunteers yesterday.  We could not have done that without you!!!  I appreciate your hard work, and it ran smoothly because of YOU!

Thank you, thank you!!!

Coach Rubino

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Looking forward to athletic field day tomorrow!!!

Please remember the dress code for athletic field day. We recommend athletic shoes (of any color), a hat, sunscreen, and a labeled water bottle. Refer families to page 59 of the Family Handbook for the full outdoor athletic dress code. 

Team Names & Shield Symbols
KA/3A: Athens, Owl
KB/3C: Crete, Bull
KC/3B: Croton, Tripod
1A/5B: Sparta, Capital A
1B/5A:Corinth, Horse
1C/4C: Argos, Snake
2A/5C: Macedonia, Sun
2B/4A: Thebes, Barbarian Club  
2C/4B: Persia, Bird

Thank you for providing these things for your children to have a great day!!!

Coach Rubino 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Athletic Field Day/Ancient Greek Olympics!!!

Dear Chargers,

Please sign up to volunteer for athletic field day!

Our students are training for the Ancient Greek Olympics in PE.
They are working on their shot put, discus throw, long jump and baton relay race!

We are also in the middle of our flag football unit and working on kicking field goals this week!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Flag Football has begun!

Dear Chargers,

In P.E. we have begun our flag football unit!  The students are really excited and in our first lesson we learned how to catch and throw properly.


  • Phalanges on the laces
  • Thumb underneath the ball
  • Pull the ball back behind your ear and point with elbow in the direction you want the ball to go in
  • Release the ball not to high and not to low while snapping the wrist
  • Step with opposite foot
  • Phalanges are spread apart with palm facing their partners
  • If the ball will be received above the waste then you want your thumbs touching about your forehead.  
  • If the ball will be received below the waste then palms face up with pinkies touching.
King of the Hill is always a game that we can do at the end of a throwing and catching skill day, and the kids love it!!!!

Coach Rubino

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Running! And the FUN RUN!!!!

We have begun our running unit mixed with kickball.  The students are learning how to run with proper technique and are learning how to pace.

This is all in time for the FUN RUN!!!

The Arete Fun Run and Family Picnic is Saturday, Feb. 7th. There will be a 5K and a 1 mile run, along with a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.

Coach Rubino will be there, come on out and run with her!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

T Ball/Baseball

My students and I are having so much fun learning how to bat off the t this week!  We worked on how to grip the bat, which hand goes on top and a good stance before hitting the ball.  I am so impressed with how many baseball players we have!!!!

We are also learning about the bones in our body!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Get Fingerprinted!

If you have not been fingerprinted, here is your chance!  Our Great Hearts Human Resource Department has been gracious enough to schedule a separate event for all of our Archway Arete and Prep families to have an opportunity to be fingerprinted. The event is scheduled for Thursday, January 22nd, 8:15-10:15 a.m. in the library and is open to all family members of students who are currently enrolled at Arete. We are asking for a $20 donation toward the school to offset the cost. We encourage your family and extended family to have this done if they are interested in volunteering for events at the school or being a part of your child's classroom. Please feel free to contact Office Manager Rachele Holcomb at (480) 222-4233, or via e-mail at with any questions.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

T Ball and Welcome back!

Welcome back Chargers, it was so great to  see all of your faces today back in school!!!

I really enjoyed teaching underhand and overhand throwing today in baseball.  We also worked on catching the ball.  We played a fun game called king and queen of the hill which incorporated a lot of throwing and catching.  We also had a great warmup and went over our muscles, and a few bones at this point!

What a great day it was!!!

We will learn to run the bases next and more about the game every day!!